Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pewnego razu książę


Darling said...

And the Princess lived happily ever after: never had to cook for an idiot; never had to meet his mother and hear her yapping; she went out at nights and picked up guys and fucked them with pleasure; and she dated guys half her age; and she went shopping every day; and she drank Kir Royal with breakfast, Cosmopolitan with lunch and Manhattan with dinner; and she drank milk straight from the carton box; and she never heard bitching; and went to rock concerts; and kept her apartment and her favourite denim mini-skirt; and never got cheated on while working; and nobody would tell her she was looking like a slut; and she could wear granny knickers at home; and nobody got jealous when she was talking to strangers; and all her friends thought she was fucking cool as hell; and she had tons of money; and her toilet seat was always down. Amen.

Jaskiniowiec said...

Ale wiesz ... gdyby deska klozetowa miała być na stale opuszczona to by nie miała zawiasów :))))))

Darling said...

A ja głupia myślałam że zawiaski są od tego by często zmieniać kolorek i wzorek deski bez wymiany całej muszli. ;)
Plus oczywiście jako narzędzie testowe i/lub tresury mężczyzn. Ba, pokuszę się o parafrazę znanego powiedzenia "jak kocha, to poczeka": "jak kocha, to opuści" (tym bardziej, że właśnie mi przyszło do głowy że ma więcej poziomów interpretacji, a wszystkie słuszne...)