If you’re engaged, and you think marriage will resolve problems in your relationship, sorry Charlie. Marriage generally magnifies–rather than diminishes–conflict or disputes. Do yourself a favor and hash out your differences in premarital counseling, allowing your marriage to flourish rather than crash and burn. Don’t be shy about it. Every couple has conflict; the ones who last merely learned how to move past them.
via: Marriage/Babies Won’t Fix Relationship Problems
Friday, July 9, 2010
Podręczny uchwyt na długopis
Często korzystając z komputera nie ma co zrobić z długopisem - jestem praworęczny i muszę mieć długopis/ołówek pod ręką - niestety jak się wala w okolicach myszki to przeszkadza w pracy i nie ma za bardzo co z nim zrobić a sięgać przez pół biurka też mi się nie uśmiecha. Okazało się jednak, że jest na to rozwiązanie : podręczny stojak na długopis/ołówek tuż przy klawiaturze komputera zrobiony z klipsa do akt. Szybki, prosty do zrobienia, po prostu esencja poręczności i prostoty :)

in english :) : it's a simple pen holder made from a binder clip - it's fast and easy to make one (just clip onto the back of the keyboard), it's handy, and you can easy remove it if you change your mind :) the idea was born when I realized that I'm right handed and mostly when I leave my pen loose on my desk I hit it with my mouse several times a day and I need to do sth to have my pen easy accessible and not interfering with my mouse moving on the surface of my desk ;)

in english :) : it's a simple pen holder made from a binder clip - it's fast and easy to make one (just clip onto the back of the keyboard), it's handy, and you can easy remove it if you change your mind :) the idea was born when I realized that I'm right handed and mostly when I leave my pen loose on my desk I hit it with my mouse several times a day and I need to do sth to have my pen easy accessible and not interfering with my mouse moving on the surface of my desk ;)
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